"OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet."
The ad, was placed after she found a bottle of alcohol under the seat of her then 18-year-old son's car.
She has since garnered a ton of attention from the ad, appearing in a nationally popular AP article and recieving a spot on Good Morning America.
I think it's an interesting way to use the paper and has recieved good reviews as parenting around the country. I just personally wouldn't wan't it happen to me.
Joe - I think this story is hilarious. I noticed it got play on some front pages - even a few papers outside of Iowa. Obviously, a talker story. And some days that's a good reason to put something on Page 1.
Joe - check out the Washington Post story on this in today's paper. Here's the link. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/10/AR2008011003852.html?nav=rss_email/components
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