For those people, like me, who want up to date information on anything automotive then you might want to check out Autoblog. When you want your information quick, fast and see where they got the information then this site is for you. It is like a launching pad for research on things in the the automotive realm. It is sort of like an automotive wikipedia only with named sources and authors, that are credible, along with the information that sparked the blog post.
Want a more laid back approach to the same information thats just about as reliable then check out Jalopnik because the site has more than just straight commentary on what's new. It also has side blogs like "Welcome to Project Car Hell" where they find the biggest clunker (possibly on the face of the planet) and the funny thing is that it just gets worse every few days.

Autoblog is the more newsy of the two blogsites for possible up-and-coming car enthusiast; but when you need some good ol' fun with your news then jalopnik is the way to go.
Technical information is not the aim of either blogsite. They will give you the initial taste; but for the full story, I would suggest checking out Automotive News or Motor Trend and reading their full articles (when available).
Checking out a car's specifications, tech specs or mechanicals then a good place to get a snapshot of all the information you could possibly need is Edmunds and Vehix. These two sites give about as much information (if not a lot more) as the average person could need about one vehicle or the comparable vehicles.
These sites will help with your interactions with the salesperson at the dealership because there are a plethora of opportunities to play the game "stump the salesperson." It is one of the most entertaining things to do when shopping for a new vehicle and when there is nothing better to do.
Also, if you are currently living anywhere in the world, you need to know a little something about cars because of the reliance on them economically and personally.

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