Friday, April 25, 2008

Covering Elections, What Not To Do

There's an interesting story on CNN that found a rising number of voters find the campaign too negative and dull. The story states that roughly two-thirds of those polled say (the campaign has) been “too long" and it’s become “too negative” and more than a third say the race is just “too dull." On the exact page where this story was published are accompanying headlines that state, McCain: 'It's very clear who Hamas wants' in the White House and Clinton, McCain camp fire back over Obama energy remarks.

Is CNN seriously too oblivious to their own articles to see readers are growing tired of the campaign coverage? This appears to be the case, as new stories continue to focus on the "horse-race" that this election has become, neglecting to cover the actual issues, credentials of the candidates, and qualifications for presidency. Perhaps newsrooms need to bury their egos and actually cover what the readers want. The continual coverage of the race from the competition standpoint is simply news for the sake of news.

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