Friday, April 11, 2008

I've come to like Stuff White People Like!

We've all heard of Perez Hilton by now right? He was the first big name that I can think of that was discovered in this new age of technology off of a blog. His humorous site made it in the big time after he generated a swarm of followers who couldn't live without hearing what he had to say next about celebrities.

A new article in TIME Magazine pointed me towards the next person to make it big out of the blogging world. The blog called Stuff White People Like, has now been picked up by Random House Inc. for a book deal. The author writes in a very factual manner about different characteristics that white people have and things that white people like to do. After reading several of his entries for myself I've come to like this blog and can see why his site has been visited by over 22 million people in just under a few months.

This just goes to show that there can be some kind of career options in blogging like Dr. Dianne Lynch told us in class on Thursday. Or at least for those people who have something witty to say and can generate a steady audience.

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