Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Metrotimes Kwame cover, editorial

Ok, so I am a little late getting to this, but I was drawn to this editorial by the Metrotimes calling for the resignation of Mayor Kilpatrick when I saw a photo of people using the cover on sandwich boards to protest the mayor's State of the City address. The cover to me is dramatic and follows the theme of the editorial compiled by the staff. They begin by quoting Kilpatrick's likening himself to some sort of prophet, led by God and therefore doomed by God. The cover shows him all in white, head bowed, either looking like a reverent or fallen angel, or a scolded child hanging their head in shame. I was particularly grabbed by the headline, "Just Go." It was simple, to the point, and very conducive to the attitude of many in and around the city and the nation. It is straightforward and direct and can sound like a command, but also a statement of pleading, sadness and disappointment. The following editorial was lengthy, but full of facts, including quotes from the mayor and those around him. Overall, I thought it was very well done and deserving of a read and some discussion.

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