The John Edwards campaign tried to squash a video produced by a University of North Carolina journalism student, according to a story in the
News and Observer. The video, produced for the campus TV station and posted on youtube, asked if the location of Edwards Chapel Hill headquarters in an exclusive neighborhood squared with his poverty campaign. The brouhaha backfired - at least if Edwards did not want it to get publicity, according to a UNC blog. By Sunday night, the video had more than 140,000 page views. I'm guessing the student reporter never expected the reach her video has gotten - another lesson in the power of multimedia reporting and the web.
What do you think? Of the reported move by the Edwards camp? Of the student video?
1 comment:
I think this is huge blow in John Edwards's support for the press. Was there something so terrible to hide in his campaign headquarters for him to worry about how a student journalist would cover it? As the potential chief upholder of the Constitution, squashing the freedom of the press in this fashion could be remembered as a no-no come general election time.
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