Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Warner BROS indeed.

So the big buzz in the entertainment industry is apparently misogyny is in, and gender equality is out.

Jeff Robinov, president of production for Warner Bros. Pictures (and apparent sexist tool of the underworld) stated that they are no longer doing movies with women in the lead.

Way to go, champ.

This decree is apparently the result of poor box office investments like “The Brave One,” starring Jodie Foster and “The Invasion” with Nicole Kidman.

When I think about it, Warner Bros. should totally stop giving women leading roles. In fact, they should produce movies with no female parts at all.

The careers Foster and Kidman have created obviously are void just because one movie doesn’t gross a certain amount in theaters.

And the movies were probably bad for the sole reason that these women were in them. Writing, directing and production has nothing to do with it. C'mon people, give Warner Bros. a break!

We should just make movies with animals. People love those.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The question some people ask is whether movies reflect culture or shape culture.