A report from a college media conference says Washington Post digital wunderkind Rob Curley told a room full of college journalism students that too many students are resistant to learning online skills. His advice: If you want a job in journalism - get over the resistance, fast! And in Florida, Mindy McAdams tells students at an SPJ meeting that recruiters want to hire students with online skills. McAdams also tells students how easily they can learn multimedia skills - to broaden their storytelling arsenals - on their own. Finally, editors at a conference in Maryland talk about what they're looking for when they hire. Guess what! It's multimedia skills or at least openness to learning new things.
So where do you stack up? Are you trying to learn online skills? Do you see it as a way to reach more people with your stories? Or are you resistant? And why?
Correction: It was not a conference in Florida -- it was just the regularly scheduled meeting of the student SPJ chapter on campus. The members invite guest speakers to each meeting. This time, I was the guest speaker.
At the moment, I think one's work is more impressive if done on a multimedia platform. It's so much easier to show with multimedia. One way multimedia transcends the generation gap is that to all, learning it is more intimidating than it is difficult.
At the end of the day, though, a good writer will always be in demand. They can't just go away for good.
Thanks, Mindy. I thought it was an SPJ conference.
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