Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh Chelsea

Chelsea Clinton is on a roll. She recently said, "well, again, I don’t take anything for granted, but hopefully with Pennsylvania’s help, she will be our next president, and yes, I do think she’ll be a better president," than her father Bill, that is. And when she was asked about her mother's strength in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, she snapped back with "... and I do not think that is any of your business." Hiding from the media sure doesn't give her any experience in answering tough questions. Chelsea needs to take a lesson or two in politics and publicity before her family gets any more bad press.

1 comment:

Meg1863 said...

It's hard to ask Chelsea Clinton to be kind to the media (who certainly weren't kind to her during her awkward teen years). Before we fault her for her reaction, we should think about how it must feel to have her father's affair dredged up publicly over and over again. I'd snap too.