Monday, March 31, 2008

Should she stay or should she go?

We all know this presidential race between Obama and Clinton is neck and neck. It is unlikely that if they both stayed in the race, the Democratic party could beat McCain. I was watching the news the other day, and they were talking about the need and want for Clinton to pull out of the race. While I would be happy to get her out of the race, I thought it was interesting that people had chosen Clinton to leave, and not Obama. I see their understanding in the issue, but with such a tight race, who's to say which one would make a better president and stay in the race. I was looking online for some more information on this, and even found an article from the United Kingdom calling for Clinton to leave. I thought it was interesting that the United Kingdom were really the only ones, besides Fox News, who thought of this.

As far as I can tell, Clinton isn't pulling out of the race, and we'll most likely see a superdelegate primary this summer. It seems people care more about the race between Obama and Clinton than the overall race that would end in November.

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