Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A weird bit of news

The Associated Press reports that a Kansas woman sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two years. She sat there for so long (apparently of her own free will) that her body actually stuck to the seat and had to be removed because her body was stuck naturally. Authorities are investigating whether or not she was mistreated. I've seen a lot of weird stories, but this might top them all. A woman voluntarily sat on a toilet for two years? Hopefully the follow-up story (s) will provide information on what exactly would cause her to do that. Did she have nothing better to do? Now this is indeed a bizarre piece of news but does the public really need to know about it? It might be safe to assume a fair amount of people might be grossed out by this story, while others might be fascinated. It really begs the question, is it newsworthy? We're taught that something like "dog bites man" is not news but "man bites dog" is. Newspapers look for the oddities of the world instead of the same old story. But does every bizzare thing that happens need to be considered news. Now there is indeed a news element to this story, but does it deserve recognition? I suppose it depends on one's perception of what is news and what is not. A dog rescuing his owner from a burning house is news, but this...... who knows?

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