Sunday, April 20, 2008

Is this really published?

I was glancing around on today and clicked on a sad story about a father who was caught in gun crossfire while walking into a store with his two sons and was killed. I think these types of stories demand good reporting, good writing. The town where the incident happened was in Joliet, a very small town, so naturally people who would know the father would be reading it. We talk in class about knowing your readers and how to write for them. After reading the first three paragraphs of the story, I had no idea what it was about except for the specific headline. This is just a specific example of knowing how to write for an audience, and showing there is a need to care about your topic. If you are not interested, your writing will be hurt and it will bring down the entire article.

1 comment:

tim wardle said...

I agree. It look like they were going for the heart-wrenching angel - Family man killed in front of his kids, going into a conveinence store. But it cam off sounding like two stories poorly edited together.