Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reasonable or Frivolous?

Yahoo reported today the Chicago Bulls' mascot has come under the fire for doing his job. The Chicago Sun Times has even picked up the story. On February 12, it was said Benny the Bull was shucking and jiving for the crowd during a Bulls game and went running through the crowd giving the spectators high-fives and hyperextended one man's arm. It kind of seems if you are going to take a high-five from a seven-foot bull something like this may just happen.

I have given numerous high-fives in my 22 years and I have noticed, like many things, it takes two to high-five. When you get hurt in the process, the blame shouldn't be put onto the other for hurting you. You just deal with it. You want to high-five someone who looks like they may out of control that is your choice. I am pretty sure the bull would not threaten the man's life if he didn't give him a high-five.

I find this to be very frivolous. I hope it is only a rumor and will go away because it is stupid. It is showing a trend most people tend to follow: choose to do something and when they get hurt, in the process, blame it on the person that was participating with them so they don't have to realize what they did wasn't the best idea they have ever come up with.

Get over yourself and realize you made a mistake and move on. I mean, c'mon, they guy stayed the rest of the freaking game and HE was the one to initiate the high-five. Really? He is suing for a high-five gone wrong. Something that is clearly his fault.


Josh Dutt said...

This is the kind of thing that would have some people trying to sue the mascot and the Bulls franchise. What a joke society has become. Anything for a buck huh?

David Ingold said...

Or, the mascot fell down the stairs and injured someone in the process. Yes it was an accident, but there is still liability. If I accidentally smash your bumper with my front end, I guarantee you'd seek restitution. No I didn't mean to do it, yes it was a mistake, but I'm still at fault and need to pay the consequences. It's a similar situation and the mascot needs to be held to the same level as the rest of society.